Monday, July 30, 2012

Having smart kids is expensive

I know what you're thinking...obviously if your kids were stupid (alright I probably shouldn't say about not so smart) it wouldn't necessarily be cheaper, but my intention with this post was just to vent that this was not something I was prepared for when I had children.

As you have seen with my previous post about my kids being smarter than I am already, I am sure you are noticing a theme; I am not the most prepared mother in terms of expectations related to my children. I am unsure of whether or not it is a good thing that I don't have ridiculous expectations of what my children will be like, but nonetheless I was grossly unprepared for how expensive it would be to supply children with the things they need to keep "growing dendrites" as my 10 year old likes to say.

Sure if my kids wanted video games or lots of new clothes that would be expensive as well, but it is easy as a parent to say no to frivolous wants. Part of teaching your children the lessons of life involve teaching them that they can't have everything they want. Money doesn't grow on trees, blah blah blah. I don't want to raise entitled children who think that anything they want they can have. But when your child asks you for books, or scale models of the solar system, or even a giant poster of the periodic table of elements you pause and rethink your previously established rule of saying no to pretty much everything they ask for.

How do you say no to things that make them grow and thrive? It's the million dollar question!

While I ponder an answer I guess I will go poor supplying my kids with things that grow their dendrites and hope eventually it pays off with college scholarships, great jobs, or really just happy, healthy, NOT stupid children. God please NO stupid children...that can't be too much to ask for right?

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