Wednesday, August 1, 2012

What the..."Juby"

This weeks "what the..." Wednesday is brought to you by "juby."

It always blows my mind what my children randomly learn from other kids...and not just what they hear, but the stuff they actually remember. I mean God only knows how much they really hear from their friends. I wish for half a second I could be in the mind of a child so I could truly see why one simple statement is memorable whereas another is not.

For example, at dinner the other night during random conversation as is par for the course in my home, my eldest daughter proclaims that once at her school a 5th grade boy was expelled for pulling the fire alarm. My 6 year old promptly and with NO hesitation at all says "I accidentally pulled one of those when I was 4. If I pulled it now that I'm 6, I would have to go to JUBY. In juby they make you eat seriously do NOT want to go there!"

I nearly died. Hysterically funny! But wait, what? Juby? Where in the world did you hear about juby? "Oh my friend Alex told me" he says. Well Alex must have one naughty older brother or else Alex's parents use this "juby" as a tool for behavior modification. Hmm, that's slightly disturbing in the context of a 6 year old and yet mildly genius.

This weeks lesson...Don't miss dinner time with kids. You really just never know when a "juby" moment may visit your home.

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