Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Whatcha doin?

So if you have ever seen an episode of Phineas and Ferb then this statement is a very clear and obvious one...to those of you who have not and frankly have NO idea what this means, here it is summed up for you as best I can...Do you really have nothing better to do in your life than ask me what I am doing?

When it relates to my children the answer is apparently always yes, I have nothing better to do than say, "Hey mom, whatcha doin'?"

This blows my mind. I guess for a half a second I can revel in the fact that they care since in a couple years they won't want to have anything to do with me, but then when I come back down to reality and remember they are just being annoying, I am, well, annoyed.

So my eldest daughter wandered into my office for the 100th time a couple days ago after literally pacing outside my door for 10 minutes. She proceeded to walk around my desk stand directly next to me, ask me the dreaded "whatcha doin' mom" question and then start tapping her foot...really, your tapping your foot at me?  My response of "working" was one she didn't like of course and when I asked her if she desired for me to hang out with her or play a game with her or do something other than work she said "of course not. I don't want to do anything with you mom, I just wonder if what adults do is cooler than what kids do. But work is NOT cool so I'm gonna leave."

Well there you have it. Work is not cool. Be a kid, enjoy being a kid, love having no real responsibility and stop asking me what I'm doing because someday, what I'm doing is what you'll have to do and trust me, kid options are way cooler than being an adult.

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