Thursday, August 9, 2012

Summertime Stupidity

As I watched my friends 10 year old son shoot himself in the face with a nerf gun (repeatedly and on purpose) it occurred to me in a quick moment of both relief and sadness...every child gets extra stupid in the summertime.

Now I have said previously that my kids are smarter than I am so let me clarify...although I believe they pay attention more and thus retain more new information in general, they are absolutely without a doubt LIFE stupid...and in the summers, it is exponentionally more obvious than other times.

Beyond being life stupid they just have no common sense. Things that are obvious and the answer is something they have heard 100 times, in the summer they suddenly have no ability to conjure up original thought or basic idea's of obvious actions and reactions. If you lean over while you are carrying a bottle of juice for example you absolutely will dump it out all over yourself and my furniture...and after you do that, NO you are NOT allowed to be shocked that the outcome was such and NO I don't have to tell you it's ok.

Now it could be a combination of hormones and heat but that is almost irrelevant. If I have to deal with absolutely utter moronic ridiculousness daily then I don't really care why or where it came from, I just want it to go away.

As all mothers do the countdown to the end of the summer I really just do a countdown to the end of summertime stupidity and hope that when all is said and done I haven't had permanent scarring of my own brain function. Only time will tell with that one.

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