Thursday, August 23, 2012

The Glimpse

While rare (the chupacabra of my life really), there are fleeting moments in my home where my children are genuinely kind to each other.

This morning I found my middle daughter and youngest son curled up in her room, working on something. When I asked what they were up to my daughter said she had made little projects for my son to work on to help him learn things "a 1st grader needed to know," and for each project he completed she would give him "kid tickets." She said he could then save up his kid tickets and she would let him trade them in for objects she would purchase for him with her own allowance. Really? That's so sweet and generous.

Now don't get too excited. Right after that I asked them to come downstairs and eat breakfast and she promptly pushed him down the stairs as they walked, but in the one tiny moment before that something amazing happened...I saw a glimpse of the relationship they could have together.

As parents we hope our kids grow up to trust each other, love unconditionally, and establish a relationship and bond that only siblings can have. In our day to day lives we lose sight of that possibility when surrounded by yelling, fighting, pushing, and just plain unfriendly behavior with one another. But if we pay attention, those moments do happen where we can see what might be.

Today I'll hold onto the glimpse and the endless possibilities of what can and hopefully will be in the future for my kids...I have to hold onto that or else in those moments of insanity (daily) I just might sell them to the first person who wants them.

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