Friday, August 3, 2012

God must be a woman...she invented Target

So today I was in Target and was reminded of a conversation I had with my SIL a couple years ago where she very pointedly said "God must be a woman...she invented Target." Genius, and if you are a woman, you completely and totally understand this statement.

Target is like a woman's heaven. Why? Well it's simple. Whether you have kids or not, you can wander the aisles dreaming of what could be. In the clothing aisle you think of how cute that dress will be when your ass isn't saggy anymore. In the bathroom aisle you imagine how simply you could make your downstairs bath into a cute spa oasis for guests. In the office aisle you conjure up all the amazing ways you'll organize every single room in your home. In the bedroom aisle you...ok you get the picture right? I don't have to get dirty now do I?

The point is that every woman wants to believe and dream of what could be in their life. Dream of nicer skin, hipper clothes, a more organized and decorated home...whatever it is that you as a woman dream of, you want to be able to visualize it and imagine it happening in your life.

It isn't about buying the things in Target. It is about hoping for the things that could be. Establishing your dream board, but in a walk- through-it-and-live-in-it kind of way that just makes you smile.

I don't know about you, but a really good day is my iPod playing in my ears, a $1 bag of popcorn, and a slow, leisurely walk through Target, uninterrupted and amazing. David Beckham might walk up shirtless and ask my opinion on the cleaning product he should buy but that is a whole other post.

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