Saturday, December 1, 2012

What the...Whistle

"Quality parent" moments...You know, those times when your kids do something totally wrong (I mean not PC kind of wrong) and all you can do is say to yourself "yep, quality parent right here."

One of my kids favorite things to do is rock out in my car. Wherever we are driving we turn up the music really loud, sing at the top of our lungs, and dance until we get to our destination. It's a long running pastime in my car and my kids beg me for it daily. Good clean family fun right? Sometimes...

So when I was a kid we were only allowed to listen to oldies, christian music, and Rick Astley of course. In my adult life I really like all kinds of music including not kid appropriate songs in some cases. Problem is, XM. On XM they play appropriate and not appropriate songs on the same station and sometimes inappropriate songs are so catchy that you leave them playing for a while before you realize that the words are NOT COOL! Enter "Whistle."

So "Whistle" is this totally catchy, really entertaining song by Flo Rida. Starts out with whistling and some fine lyrics until you realize that he is talking about "adult" whistling. But it's too late...your kids have absorbed the words and are now whistling even. Bigger problem...when the song comes on I can't help myself but listen to like the first 20 seconds cuz it's just so great.

Here's the quality parent comes on and I taunt my youngest son for a second and say to him "isn't this your favorite song?" He promptly says no. But then, my oldest says "this is totally my favorite song" and begins whistling and worse, my middle daughter (totally straight-faced) says "this is THE song I sing in the shower."

There you have it...quality parent right here. I guess as long as it stays in the shower and she doesn't say it to some kid at school or worse her teacher, my quality parenting stays quiet; at least this one time.


  1. Oh yeah, that's my daughter's favorite song. It get's worse though. My daughters are old enough to listen to the radio on their own now. So the other day, they started singing "I am a wild one, saddle me up and break me in....."

  2. They know every word to that song and its so funny to watch them sing it :) I can imagine its hard to turn it off, even if you know it's "wrong!"

  3. So i tried to find it on iTunes and of course could not understand a single word! Very frustrating to expect "music" and what I really get is what I call "rhythm and poetry" (RAP). The glee version seemed to have less of a harsh edge to it. Now off to find the words.

  4. The best song ever...

    1. It was...plenty more out there to choose from!
      I like to keep it appropriate for kiddos no matter how great it is. It matters, especially in the long run!
