Thursday, November 1, 2012


So I have an aversion to giving my kids sugar. Alright, alright, alright. An aversion is a mild way to say how I feel. I DESPISE giving my children sugar and have avoided it as much as humanly possible for their entire lives. So the fact that yesterday was Halloween is almost enough to make me have an aneurism!

While I understand that part of being a kid is "living the kiddie dream" so to speak which means occasionally staying up too late, not showering or cleaning their room, and eating junk food, I still don't have to like it!

Sugar is one of the things that confuses me about parenting.  I guess not just sugar but kids diets. I honestly don't care what you give your kid. If you want to give your kid nothing but chicken breasts and broccoli, or pizza and candy bars every meal I couldn't care less. What you choose to do regarding your own kids diets is simply that; your choice. But that isn't how most parents seem to feel about it. Food choices for others children is one of those things that parents seem to feel is ok to give their opinion on. I sort of think you should shut the hell up about it honestly. Truthfully, how is what I give my kid any concern of yours? If my kids are sugar deprived, that changes your life in what way?

Look, I'm not God's gift to parenting. I do however have extreme opinions about some things relating to my family and my children and sugar just happens to be one of them. The difference between you and I is that I don't criticize your food choices for your kids so why is it ok for you to do that to me?

Let's be totally clear...I haven't completely deprived my children of treats. I don't have soda in my house EVER and I choose to only let them have sugary treats if they eat their dinner. On some occasions (special occasions) they can have soda, candy, cake, etc, but it is just that; special...not normal. I don't think my children's lives are so awful because they don't have sugar whenever they want. I don't think they see it that way either. Treats are treats. Which by definition means something that doesn't happen whenever they feel like it.

Real life is about moderation. As adults we understand that we can't have everything we want all the time. I feel like part of my job as a mother is to teach my kids moderation and I choose to do it with food as one example. You may choose to teach that lesson with some other medium. I guess the part where you lose me is that I respect your choices for your kids, it would be nice if you provided me the same respect that I show you. Giving my kids soda and candy bars when you know I don't doesn't help them...I actually don't see how it helps you either. As adults we are supposed to set an example for our kids. Respecting each others parenting choices sometimes is a pretty good place to start.

I read a great quote today..."don't worry that children never listen to you; worry that they are always watching you." Do you feel like the example your children SEE is the type of person you want them to become?

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